• Abid BhatAbid Bhat is Senior Photojournalist at Kashmir Observer. He tweets at @bhat_abid
  • Dr Afroz Ahmad Shah Author is Assistant Professor in Structural Geology, Physical & Geological Sciences at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam. He can be reached at: afroz.shah@ubd.edu.bn
  • Ahymon AyoubAhymon Ayoub has completed her Masters in Sociology from Kashmir University and is a freelance researcher interested in topics related to Islam and Women.
  • Akshay KaulAkshay Kaul specializes in the field of ecological planning, landscape and sustainable architecture. He can be reached at: akaul98@gmail.com
  • Ali MalikAuthor is an astute Kashmir observer with an interest in and stamina to correct the wrongs of the history.
  • Amir Suhail WaniThe author is a writer and columnist
  • Ansar Hussain DarAnsar Hussain Dar holds Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication & Video Production and Masters in Convergent Journalism. He is a Multimedia Journalist at Kashmir Observer.
  • Sheikh ArshSheikh Arsh is a multimedia journalist at Kashmir Observer. She tweets @sheikharshh
  • Asma MajidMaster's in English (Gold Medalist) from the University of Kashmir, having 8 years of experience as a writer and columnist, with a particular passion for feature storytelling.
  • Auqib JaveedAuqib Javeed is special correspondent with Kashmir Observer and tweets @AuqibJaveed
  • B. Z. KhasruB. Z. Khasru is author of “Bangladesh Liberation War, How India, U.S., China and the USSR Shaped the Outcome.” His new book, “One Eleven Minus Two, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's War on Yunus an America,” will be published shortly by Rupa & Co., New Delhi.
  • Basit Amin MakhdoomiBasit Amin Makhdoomi covers court and legal matters for Kashmir Observer.
  • Syed Mohammad BurhanSyed Mohammad Burhan has Masters in Mass Communications & Persian Language &Literature. He works as Special Correspondent at Kashmir Observer. He tweets @syedmohammad313
  • Dabirah HassanDabirah Hassan is Multimedia Journalist at Kashmir Observer. She tweets at @hassandabirah
  • Ejaz AyoubEjaz Ayoub has been working in the BFSI industry in the field of Financial Risk Management, Strategy and Foreign Exchange. He can be reached at:ejaz.ayoub@gmail.com.
  • Faheem GundrooFaheem Jeelani Gundroo is an ICT Engineer based in Dubai, with interest in travel, history and current affairs. He can be reached at: faheemjeelani@gmail.com
  • Farooq ShahAuthor is an academic and can be reached at mfshah@gmail.com.
  • Gowhar GeelaniGowhar Geelani is a journalist-author who served Deutsche Welle as editor. He is author of Kashmir: Rage and Reason
  • Huzaifa PanditHuzaifa Pandit is the author of the recently published ‘Green is the Colour of Memory’, which won the first edition of Rhythm Divine Poets Chapbook Contest 2017. He holds a PhD on poetry of resistance from the University of Kashmir.
  • Idrisa PanditIdrisa Pandit is a Canada based Kashmiri American academic and a social justice advocate.
  • Ifthikar BashirIfthikar Bashir is a freelance Financial Advisor
  • Irfan MushtaqIrfan Mushtaq is staffer at Kashmir Observer. He tweets @irfan_dar9
  • Irshad MushtaqLearn from the insights of @Irshad Mushtaq, Writer, Investor, Entrepreneur & Founder of M I Securities! Connect for valuable financial advice at misecurities@bp.sharekhan.com.
  • Khalid Bashir AhmadKhalid Bashir Ahmad is a former civil service officer and author. His recent books include “Kashmir: Exposing the Myth Behind the Narrative” and “Kashmir: A Walk Through History”
  • Maneka Sanjay GandhiManeka Gandhi is an Indian MP, animal rights activist, environmentalist and former model. Maneka Gandhi writes weekly column Heads & Tails for the Kashmir Observer. To join her animal rights movement contact gandhim@nic.in
  • Mehroob Mushtaq Mehroob Mustaq is Multimedia Reporter at Kashmir Observer. She tweets at @MehroobM
  • Muneeb NaqeebMuneeb Naqeeb is business correspondent with Kashmir Observer and tweets @muneebnaqeeb
  • Mushahid HussainMushahid Hussain holds Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications and Master's in Mass Communication and Journalism from the University of Kashmir. He is Multimedia Journalist at Kashmir Observer and can be reached at Mushahidhussain778@gmail.com
  • Nazir GanaieMultimedia Lead at Kashmir Observer
  • Numan Shabir BhatNuman Shabir Bhat is Multimedia Reporter at Kashmir Observer. He tweets at @NumanBhat1
  • Dr Raja Muzaffar BhatDr Raja Muzaffar Bhat is an Acumen Fellow and Chairman Jammu & Kashmir RTI Movement. Feedback: bhatrajamuzaffar@gmail.com
  • Riyaz WaniRiyaz Wani is the Political Editor at Kashmir Observer
  • Muhammad TahirThe author is an independent researcher
  • Tauseef KhaliqTauseef Khaliq is a Multimedia Executive at Kashmir Observer. He tweets @imtauseefkhaliq
  • Tooba TowfiqTooba Towfiq is the Opinion Editor at Kashmir Observer. She tweets at tooba_tweets
  • Ummar JamalThe author is a national president of J&K Students Association and Kashmir based columnist. He tweets at ummar_jamal and can be reached at umarjamal968@gmail.com
  • Wajahat QaziMasters with Distinction in International Relations from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Worked as Associate Editor of Kashmir Observer.
  • Wasim KakrooThe author is a licensed clinical psychologist (alumni of Govt. Medical College Srinagar) and works as a child, adolescent and family therapist at Centre for Mental Health Services (CMHS) at Rambagh Srinagar. He can be reached at 8825067196
  • Zaheen AshaiZaheen Ashai is a Srinagar based Journalist, associated with Kashmir Observer
  • Zaid Bin ShabirZaid Bin Shabir is a special correspondent at Kashmir Observer. He tweets @Zaidbinshabir