Srinagar- Hours after police gave clean chit to the cops and central forces in the controversial Hydepora encounter, the People’s Alliance on Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) on Tuesday termed the police briefing a repetition of old story and alleged a concocted cover up story.
“Today’s press briefing of J&K police about last month’s Hyderpora tragic incident is only a repetition of old story . It does not even, slightly give any objective picture of this shocking incident,” PAGD spokesperson, Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami said, in a statement issued here on Tuesday.
“There is a strong public perception that the civilians killed in the incident were made human shields by the security forces and the latest statement of the police seems to be a concocted cover up story. It will not suffice the legitimate concerns of the people at large and family of the slain victims,” he added.
PAGD, an amalgam of several mainstream parties, Tarigami said, believes that nothing short of a credible judicial probe will clear the doubts.
“The administration must without any further delay, order a time bound judicial probe,” he added.