Srinagar- Former Union Minister and senior Congress leader Saifuddin Soz on Friday said that J&K’s political class should “agitate the Delimitation Commission’s latest recommendations before the people.”
In a statement issued here, Soz said it would certainly be a “losing proposition for the mainstream to agitate this matter in a court of law. “
“…the J&K mainstream political class has a compulsion to agitate this matter before the judiciary, also! But, then, public opinion on this issue is the best course available to the mainstream political class. It is that, it (the political class) should agitate this matter before the people of Jammu and Kashmir. It is essentially a political Issue and it should be agitated before the ‘Awami Adalat’!” he said.
Soz said a powerful, democratic, peaceful and sustained public movement is the answer to the Delimitation Commission’s latest recommendations!
“The sooner we do it, the better!” he added.