SRINAGAR – Police on Saturday slapped Public Safety Act (PSA) against three alleged drug peddlers in the twin districts of Budgam and Ganderbal.
Officers in Budgam had earlier seized huge quantity of narcotic drugs from the possession of two individuals. A case was registered by the police.
“The case was duly processed and the arrested drug peddlers were detained under Public Safety Act after obtaining sanctions from the concerned authorities. The drug peddlers have been identified as Ashiq Ahmad Gojri, a resident of Kawoosa Khalisa, and Tariq Ahmad Parray, a resident of Warihama Magam,” a police statement said.
The police said in Ganderbal, officers had earlier seized banned drugs from the possession of a drug peddler identified as Nazir Ahmed Rather, a resident of Wakura Ganderbal. A case under relevant sections of law was registered in this regard.
“The case was duly processed and the arrested drug peddler was detained under Public Safety Act after obtaining sanctions from the concerned authorities. He has been shifted to Kupwara jail,” a police statement said.