SrinagarOut of the 19.26 lakh police officers in India, 56,944 are deployed for the security of 20,828 VIPs, media reports quoting the data compiled by the Bureau of Police Research and Development said on Monday.
As per the data Bihar has the highest number of VIPs being accorded protection. There are 3,200 VIPs who are being guarded by 6,248 police personnel. In West Bengal, 4,233 cops provide protection to 2,207 VIPs.
In Jammu and Kashmir, there are 2,075 VIPs being protected by 4,499 policemen.
There are 1,901 VIPs being guarded by 4,681 cops in Uttar Pradesh while in Punjab 5,315 cops protect 1,852 VIPs.
The southern states are better. In Kerala there are 57 being protected by 214 cops. In Maharashtra 74 VIPs are being protected by 961 cops. In Delhi, there are 489 protected persons being guarded by 7,420 cops. (CNS)