SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir State Forest Corporation (JKSFC) has earned revenue of Rs 130.28 crore against the total net sale of 23.21 lakh cft of timber during 2015-16. It also made payments to the labourers to the tune of Rs 34.23 crore generating 1402900 man-days. The Corporation also supplied timber to the flood sufferers of Srinagar city to the tune of 1.86 lakh cft during 2014-15 and 2015-2016.
This information was given by the Corporation in a meeting held under the chairmanship of Minister of State for Forest, Environment & Ecology, Animal & Sheep Husbandry, Cooperative and Fisheries Mir Zahoor Ahmad here today. The meeting was convened by the Minister to review the functioning of the Corporation and achievements and performance thereof.
Threadbare discussions were held on marking and extraction of timber, role and responsibilities of the Corporation, physical and financial performance and region-wise achievements.
Detailed discussions were also held on Sale Depots and their functioning. The Minister took serious note of non-functioning of Awantipora Sale Depot. The Minister directed the Corporation to work with utmost dedication and ensure functioning of the Depot immediately. He also asked them to construct drain around the Depot to ensure that there is no water logging in the premises. Mir Zahoor also called for plantation of Deodar saplings around the boundary wall of the Depot to add to the beauty of the area.
Earlier, Managing Director of the Corporation, Mr. Arun Kumar Tickoo briefed the meeting about the activities of the Corporation.
The meeting was informed that e-tendering system has been introduced in the Corporation during 2015-16 and a volume of 6.148 lac cft has been put to tenders through e-tendering system. It was also given out that an amount of Rs 17.47 crore has been deposited as Sale Tax and VAT during 2015-16.
It was also given out that to streamline the system and ensure transparency in supplying timber through Fair Price Depots of JKSFC within the limits of Jammu and Srinagar Municipal Corporations, the SFC has launched and adopted online timber distribution to bonafide consumers from September 2015. This has ensured hassle free supply of timber to the consumers, the meeting told.
While discussing timber supply to Ladakh region, the Minister directed the Corporation to convene meetings with the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) and supply timber to the region as per their requirement.
Addressing the meeting, the Minister directed the Corporation to work with synergy and ensure timely distribution of timber among the needy families. He also asked them to issue timber after proper verification. Mir Zahoor also enjoined upon the Officers to keep close vision on timber smuggling while extracting it from forests adding that anyone found indulged in such practice would be dealt seriously.