SRINAGAR: Religious clerics on Tuesday were seen accusing and abusing each other during a press conference in Srinagar on Tuesday. According to reports the Vice Chairman of religious organization, Mutahida Ulma-i-Ahil Sunnat (MUAS) Maulana Akhzar Hussain had called a press conference during which the representatives from different Islamic trusts and organizations nominated Maulana Syed Muhammad Ashraf Andrabi as chief patron of the organization.
Besides chairman Anjaman-i-Ulmai Ahinaaf Maulana Akhzar and Syed Ashraf Andrabi the representatives of various bodies, including Jamiat Hamdania, Auqaaf Sarai Bala, Haqani Memorial Trust, Anjuman-i-Tableegul Islam, Khawaja Gareeb Nawaz Trust, Minhajul Islam spoke on this occasion.
Reports said that as soon as Maulana Akhzar finished his speech, various leaders of MUAS stood up and claimed that Maulana Akhzar is not the part of the MUAS and he has no right t to address the media.
The workers of the two factions of MUAS started accusing and abusing each other and soon the thing went from bad to worse when one of the supporters tried to hit one of his rival cleric.
People and Journalists were watching this drama for half an hour and things were pacified after the intervention of some reputed clerics.
Soon after the incident, another faction of MUAS led by Maulana Reyaz-ul-Haq Noorabadi, Qazi Yasir and Maulana Ghulam Rasool Hami organized a separate press conference and claimed that Maulana Akhzar is not the member of MUAS and the party has ousted him from the Vice Chairmanship.
Meanwhile Maulana Akhzar claimed that he has support of at least 25 organizations who recognize him as the member and Vice Chairman of MUAS (CNS)