SRINAGAR: As many as Rs. 3 crore are being spent for acquisition as well as compensation to affected households for widening of road from Aali Kadal to Mirwaiz Manzil besides Rs. 86 lakhs have been earmarked for road development, adding that acquisition work will be completed by November this year.
This was stated by Minister for Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar while interacting with people during his extensive tour of downtown Srinagar city today.
While taking stock of construction work of Community Hall at Sokalipora near Mirwaiz Manzil, the Minister said Rs. 1.50 crore are being spent on the project and its completion is expected by March next year.
Various deputations called on Minister who had come from various areas of Valley which include Pampore, Pahalgam, Magam, Baramulla and apprised the Minister about various problems confronting them.