Title: Editorial Assistant

Company: Kashmir Observer

Location: Srinagar

Job Type: Full Time

Job Category Newspaper

Deadline 31 March 2020

Company Description

Kashmir Observer stories present a unique mix of detailed reportage and vivid writing, with a commitment to the art of storytelling, whether the subject is politics, culture, business or art.

Primary Responsibilities

– Work closely with the editorial, design, photo and production teams to ensure timely release of the magazine and web stories.

– Assist in newsroom administrative tasks.

– Provide active assistance in subscription-related events, complaints, communication and coordination.


Candidates should have completed graduation. They should also have an interest in working in a newsroom. The applicant should demonstrate good language skills, sound judgement and an enthusiasm for journalistic excellence.

To Apply

Please send in a résumé, two writing samples, a detailed statement on your editing experience and a cover letter to [email protected] with the subject line “Editorial Assistant– 2020” by April 15, 2020.