Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat

Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat

Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat is an Acumen Fellow and Chairman Jammu & Kashmir RTI Movement. Feedback: [email protected]

The Dire Dearth

The Dire Dearth

In the future, posts advertised for ECG technicians’ should be reserved for women. Under National Health Mission (NHM), women technicians...

Make Seasonal Schools Operational

Make Seasonal Schools Operational

The Department of School Education should make seasonal schools operational by all-means especially in High altitude areas. We need to...

Chopans of Kashmir 

Chopans of Kashmir 

Chopans continue to lead a tough life. With no means to buy even durable tents, they often take shelter under...

Commit to Quit

Commit to Quit

COVID 19 pandemic has been a disaster indeed, but for me it came as a blessing. I quit smoking fearing...

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