GanderbalA compa scheme launched in 2014- 2015 to make plantation nursery seems failing in Ganderbal with no one to take care left at the mercy of cattle.
The scheme was launched in every District of Jammu and Kashmir but at Sindh forest division, range mansbal compartment 35 Burnbug kangan official apathy is galore.
Officials say that area tackled under the scheme is 18 hectares and thousands of trees are planted inside.
Plantation is almost dead, cattle and live stock graze and have damaged whole investment.
Even though the site has been demarcated by wire but officials seem to have forgot the site to an extent that when we called district forest officer Ganderbal Shabir Ahmad shiekh he asked who gave you permission to visit the site.
The DFO did not reply to repeated questions about the site and how they are looking after the scheme.
He was adamant that prior permission should have been sought. When contacted Chief conservative forests Mr. Nisar Ahmad Darzi.
I will look into the matter and the necessary action will be taken about the scheme, Darzi said.