Srinaga Amid shutdown, Police on Thursday foiled Secretariat Gherawo attempt of traders, transporters and street vendors and detained over dozens of them when they tried to march towards Civil Secretariat against government proposal to shift Batamaloo Bus Stand to Parimpora.
Earlier traders and transporters, under the banner of All Traders Joint Coordination Committee (ATJCC) held a sit-in at Batamaloo Srinagar. The protesters had gathered for a sit-in however, as soon as they started their march towards Civil Secretariat, police swung into action and used batons to disperse them.
The Batamaloo area surrounding the bus stand observed a complete shutdown against the government proposal.
A large number of people including mechanical workers, labourers and traders are associated with this bus stand, and if it is shifted the move will render them jobless besides near about 5000 shopkeepers will get affected due to it, ATJCC president Mohammad Ashraf said while also making a request to high court to revert its decision,.
If government goes ahead with the decision, then the business community will have no option other than to launch stir, the protesters said.
Kashmir Traders Federation Spokesperson Ajaz Shahdhar while describing the government anti-business community said that the move will affect traders and transporters badly. We appeal government to reconsider it decision and not to shift the historical Batamaloo bus stand to Parimpora, Ajaz Shahdhar said.
He said that it is a historical bus stand that needs to be preserved, maintained and not shifted. We have full faith in judiciary and we hope it will give us breather. (CNS)