SRINAGAR: Around thirty persons more courted arrest on Wednesday in the JKLFs ongoing jail bharo stir announced after two of its members were sentenced to life imprisonment over the killing of a member of the Border Security Force (BSF) over 22 years ago.
The JKLF has termed the trend of awarding death penalties and life sentences to Kashmiri detainees by reviving old cases as judicial violence, and said that the jail bharo stir was aimed at raising its voice and apprising the international community about the issue.
Two batches of volunteers and supporters, led by the Front chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, have already entered jail since the phased 10-day stir began on January 4.
Those who courted arrested at Hari Singh High Street today included the mother of JKLF founder Muhammad Maqbool Bhat and his three sisters, the Front said.
Twenty-two supporters were sent to the Anantnag Jail, it said.
In a procession prior to the arrest, JKLF leader SM Afzal, who also went to jail, said that his party would continue its struggle for the unification and freedom of the J and K state.