SRINAGAR- The District Administration Srinagar on Tuesday launched a massive anti-encroachment operation at Chhaterhama area in Tehsil North of Srinagar District to retrieve the State/Kahcharie land illegally occupied by the Land grabbers.
The anti-encroachment operation was supervised by the Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar Mohammad Aijaz who remained present on the spot in order to retrieve the huge chunk of 353 kanals of land under survey number 1096 encroached by the land mafia.
During demolition drive today large portion of the grabbed land under the survey was retrieved by the team of senior Revenue and Police Officers and shall continue over next few days to retrieve entire 353 kanals of the identified encroached land.
Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner said anti-encroachment drives will continue in all the parts of the district to retrieve entire State and Kahcharai lands encroached by the land grabbers. He said involvement in land encroachment will be dealt with sternly as per the law.
The Deputy Commissioner directed the Revenue Officers to initiate the demarcation process of the retrieved land and install signages(boards) immediately to inform all that the land is government property. He said any encroachment on Government land in the district will be viewed strictly and stern action as warranted under law shall be taken against the violators.