Srinagar- Health authorities on Tuesday asked all the Chief Medical Officers, Medical Superintendents and Block Medical Officers not to leave their station without seeking prior permission “so as to make sure that health care facilities don’t get hampered due to snowfall.”
“In order to meet out any emergency situation that may arise due to heavy snowfall in Kashmir Division, all the Chief Medical Officers / Medical Superintendents / Block Medical Officers are hereby directed not to leave their station without seeking prior permission from this office, so as to make sure that health care facilities don’t get hampered due to snowfall,” reads an order by Dr Mushtaq Ahmad Rather, Director Health Services Kashmir.
In addition, all the hospital administrators have been asked to put in place adequate heating arrangements in their respective hospitals and make sure that snow on the roads leading to the hospitals is cleared and ambulances are fitted with snow chains.
Police Set Up Helpline For Emergency
The Jammu and Kashmir Police have established helpline numbers for emergency across Kashmir in view of snowfall and inclement weather, officials said on Tuesday.
“On the directions of IGP Kashmir, helpline numbers have been established at district levels of Kashmir valley as well as in the Police Control Room Kashmir. People are requested to contact their respective district/police station helplines set up by Kashmir Police, in case of any emergency or exigency.”
Meanwhile, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir Vijay Kumar has directed all the District Police Chiefs to keep these helpline numbers functional round the clock and render all the required assistance and help to the needy.