SRINAGAR- Cricket and Volleyball tournaments under YSS Cup 2021 were on Thursday held in different zones of Jammu and Kashmir as per the guidelines of Principal Secretary to Government Youth Services and Sports (DYSS) Alok Kumar and Director of the Department Gazanfar Ali.
Both girls and boys took part in the two sports competitions being played in all the 20 districts of J&K.
Principal HRSS Hardpanzoo Mohammad Ibrahim, PEM HRSS, Harzpanzoo, Javid Ahmad Banady along with the other officials of Zone inaugurated the event at GHSS Kishtwar. An impressive number of students from Sukhnag Block participated in the said cricket event. Many locals had gathered to witness the event.
At zone Quil, Zonal Physical Education Office (ZPHO) welcomed the participants and interacted with the teams of Ashtangoo, Aloosa A, Ashtangoo Ghat and Kehnusa-A of Block Aloosa who played the inaugural match in the Volleyball event at NM Boys Higher Secondary School (BHSS), Kaloosa.
During the event, District Youth Services & Sports (DYS&S) Officer, Bandipora along with Activity Incharge, DYSSO Bandipora were present on the occasion for motivation of the participants and appreciation of the Physical Education Staff Zone, Quil.
Players at zone, Tulmulla also took part in YSS Cup 2021. The players accorded a warm welcome to all guests including venue incharge, Sameer Abdullah, and Parvaiz Ahmad Wani. Almost 97 participants from Block Lar and Block Wakura participated in the said tournament.
During the trio events, the experts appreciated the participating students and non-students for taking part in the YSS Cup 21.
Director YS&S, Gazanfar Ali praised all the players as well as Sports Officers and said that the main focus of YSS Cup 21 is to engage students, non-students so that the best hidden talents can be picked for the next level of competitions.
Meanwhile, the events were held by strictly following the SOPs.