SRINAGAR- Continuing the drive to retrieve illegally grabbed land in the district, the District Administration Srinagar Thursday launched a massive anti-encroachment drive at Brein Halqa during which about 40 Kanals of State and Kahcharai land worth several crores was retrieved from illegal possession.
The drive was conducted on the directions of Deputy Commissioner (DC), Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad by the Revenue Team from Tehsil Khanyar.
Under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Srinagar, the concerned Tehsildar and other officials from the Revenue and Forest Department were part of the Anti-Encroachment drive teams.
Speaking about the drive, the Deputy Commissioner said anti-encroachment drives will be undertaken in all areas of the district to retrieve entire State and Kahcharai lands encroached in the district. He said involvement in land encroachment will be dealt with sternly as per the law.
The DC also urged the general public to bring into the notice of Revenue Officers or the DC Office any instances or attempts of encroachment on the State or Common land in the district.
The Land Revenue Act lays down stringent punishment against encroachment on state Land which can lead to imprisonment as well.