New Delhi: Jammu and Kashmir Lt Governor Girish Chandra Murmu on Friday said the UT administration has been keeping intensive surveillance and has identified hotspots to preempt COVID-19 outbreak but “faced problems due to movement of Tablighi Jamaat” members, a statement issued by Rashtrapati Bhavan said.
Murmu was participating in a video-conference of governors, Lt governors and administrators with President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on COVID-19 response.
“We faced problems because of movement of Tablighi Jamaat,” he said.
Murmu, however, assured that the administration is taking care of migrant workers, students and has also set up adequate quarantine centres.
“We are also ensuring food supplies to far-flung areas,” he said while responding to a query from the vice president.
Ladakh Lt Governor Radha Krishna Mathur expressed concern over rise in cases due to the return of pilgrims from Iran, where some of them had been infected.
He pointed out that inaccessibility of certain areas and tough terrain make operation rather difficult.
Mathur appreciated the work of voluntary, religious and social organisations in providing help to people in need, the statement said.
Andaman and Nicobar Lt Governor Admiral D K Joshi (Retd) said 10 positive COVID-19 cases were related to Tablighi Jamaat congregation in New Delhi.
At least 9,000 people had participated at a congregation at the Nizamuddin Markaz last month after which many have travelled to various parts of the country for missionary works.
So far, around 400 COVID-19 positive cases and about 12 deaths in the country were found to have links with the Nizamuddin Markaz.
“All those who participated in Tablighi Jamaat event are quarantined after identifying them,” Joshi said.