Jammu- Rajnesh Oswal took oath as a judge of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court on Thursday, the first one to do so under the Indian Constitution.
High Court Chief Justice Gita Mittal administered the oath to Oswal in the central hall of the court complex in Jammu.
All previous judges of the high court had taken oath under the state constitution.
Following the abrogation of Article 370 and reorganisation of the State into two Union Territories, judges have to take oath under the Indian Constitution.
The oath-taking ceremony was broadcast online due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
High Court Registrar General Sanjay Dhar read out the Warrant of Appointment issued by the President of India. He also read out the Letter of Authorisation issued by the Lieutenant governor of Jammu and Kashmir.
The ceremony was attended by some Justices, police chief Dilbag Singh, Advocate General and others.
Asked whether Oswal will be the first to take oath under the Indian Constitution, Dhar told PTI, “It is true.”