Apropos your report ‘VIP Kids’ Walk Out Of Srinagar Airport Without Covid-19 Screening, (Kashmir Observer, March 19). Many people both in and outside Kashmir are still taking the coronavirus pandemic lightly. Some think that wearing a face mask is enough to save him or herself or washing hands after you have gone out is enough to protect one from this deadly pathogen.
If you really care about your life and lives of all those dear to you, then the only possible way to do that is to stay home. It is the best precaution that you can take.
We Kashmiris still think that since we are battle hardened we can overcome and conquer coronavirus. The common refrain is fighting against this virus is not a big deal for the people who have survived all odds and challenges so far. Like everything else we can survive this as well.
The world is passing through an unprecedented crisis and many nations, far developed in healthcare and disease control than ours, are unable to coup up with the crisis posed by the coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic. Here we have people in high positions trying to save lives of their loved ones by not encouraging them to go through requisite quarantine period. They think only about their immediate comfort not knowing their stupidity will actually put their loved ones at greater risk. What they don’t think about is how many other lives they are endangering by their actions?
Using of influence to ease out someone from any kind of situation even if that endangers all others is no chivalry. It’s downright criminal!
Just being literate doesn’t make one educated enough. People need to know that. People need to grow up and now is the high time they do.
Noorain Ansari