Kashmir Observer photographer Abid Bhat toured Srinagar city under lockdown on Friday but found the city to be like a ghost town. Shrines and Mosques usually bustling with devout on Fridays, even during frequent shutdowns, were locked.
The curbs were tightened across the valley in the wake of detection of more COVID-19 cases.
A woman found her way to Sufi shrine of Naqshband Sahab in old city even as roads have been sealed off in and barriers erected by the police to check the movement of people.
There were no Friday prayers at Srinagar’s Grand Mosque which remained locked.
At Khanyar Astana of Dastgeer Sahab too was sealed off.
A man siting alone at Maisuma Bazar entrance perhaps reflecting on the new reality we have been thrown into.
Administration here announced a lockdown across Jammu and Kashmir till March 31 on Sunday as part of its efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
A sombre view of Srinagar’s iconic Maulana Azad Road from Kohe Soleiman.
MA Road from Regal Crossing.
Not a soul was found crossing usually bustling Ameera Kadal bridge.
A lady coming in from LD Hospital was asked to halt at HSH Street.
Another major city attraction, The Residency Road has remained without shoppers for a long time now.
A lone auto rickshaw was found surrounded by a group of cops near Jehangr crossing.
A view of Jehangir Chowk from atop flyover.