Srinagar – Jammu and Kashmir government on Friday placed under suspension Dr Shafkat Khan, Nodal Officer Coronavirus Control Efforts, with immediate effect for dereliction of duties. The order was issued following directions by Lieutenant Governor Girish Chandra Murmu, officials said.
“Pending enquiry into his conduct, Dr. Shafqat Khan Nodal Officer for Corono Virus Efforts in Jammu and Kashmir, Health and Medical Education Department, is hereby placed under suspension, with immediate effect, in terms of Rule 31 of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1956,” reads a government order. “During the period of his suspension, the officer shall remain attached with the office of Deputy Commissioner, Kathua/ office of Chief Medical Officer Kathua,” order adds.
The government has also asked Financial Commissioner, Health and Medical Education Department to issue a show cause notice besides initiate regular departmental action against Dr. Shafqat Khan.