SRINAGAR – The officials in Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (BOSE) on Friday stated that the result of 10th class students will be declared after January 5.
A top official said that the process of evaluation and tabulation has been completed but there are certain formalities pending which need to be completed before declaring the result. The official said that the result is yet to be approved by the result deceleration committee of JKBOSE.
“The result deceleration committee comprises of director school education Kashmir, Chairman JKBOSE, secretary JKBOSE and joint secretary secrecy department of JKBOSE,” the official said.
He said the committee is yet to convene their meeting to approve the result. “The result can be only declared only after getting approved by the committee,” the official said.
The official further said the deceleration of result may get delayed by a day or two as education department has to preparation result gazettes as the result will be declared in offline mode.
“Given the non- availability of internet facility, BOSE will prepare several copies of gazettes and keep them available in market,” the official said. The official said the result will be made available to students through mobile SMS as well.
“The result will be uploaded on website besides board will also inform the results through SMS as well. Also, gazettes will be issued to different places as well,” the official said.
Around 65000 students from Kashmir appeared in the class 10th examination which commenced on October 29 and culminated on November 16 of 2019.
The official said after deceleration of result for class 10th, the result of class 12th will be declared after a gap of one or two weeks.
“The dates for announcement of class 11th result has not been decided yet. But the results for all classes will be announced by the end of this month or first week of February,” the official said.
An official in secrecy section said the result of class 10th was completed while as result of class 12th is at final stage.
“There was some delay in submission of award sheets of practical marks of students of class 12th students due to which the result has not been finalized yet,” the official said wishing not to be named as he was not authorized to talk to media.
Chairperson JKBOSE, Veena Pandita was not available for her comments due to her engagements with some official meetings. (KNO)