SRINAGAR A team of officers of Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) Tuesday inspected the Minto Circle School, Allochibagh, Srinagar after receiving a complaint from the parents of the students about arbitrary fee hike in the school without the approval of the Fee Fixation Committee, Jammu & Kashmir, Srinagar.
The officials discussed the matter with the school management and as an interim measure, the school management was instructed to charge fee from the students as per the old fee structure till the Fee Fixation Committee takes a call on the issue involved, which was agreed to by the school management. The school management was further directed to conduct hassle-free examination scheduled in coming days.
With regards to other issues raised by parents, the school management was asked to submit various documents including class wise fee structure, CBSE affiliation order, various NOCs and other certificates, on or before 22nd May 2019. The directorate will accordingly discuss the matter and appraise the Fee Fixation Committee about the matter so that further action shall be taken.