JammuMinister for Industries and Commerce, Chander Parkash Ganga today said massive upgradation of industrial infrastructure has been taken up in the State to promote industrial growth. He said to promote local arts and crafts handicraft units registered with Handicraft Department shall now be considered at par with the industrial units for the purpose of availing incentives under the existing industrial Policy of the State.
Under the programme extensive infrastructure upgradation has been taken up after decades in various Industrial Estates across JK at a cost of Rs 138 crore, the Minister said while winding up the discussion in the House on Demand for Grants of the Industries & Commerce and allied Departments.
He said the industrial estates besides having good roads are now getting power supply 24×7.
Ganga said the Department is also in the process of setting up Rural Industrial Estates across JK for which Rs 10 crore have been earmarked in the budget.
He said 13661 kanals of land at various places in the State is under different stages of transfer/acquisition to serve as land bank for industrial growth.
To promote women entrepreneurship, the Minister said that separate entrepreneurship hubs for women are being established at Srinagar and Jammu.
Regarding the initiatives in the industrial sector, the Minister said that the Department has started GIS mapping of all the industrial estates to capture, store, analyze and manage the data in respect of the Industrial Estates. The information would be available on www.udyogjkgis.com, he said and added that the portal will also provide information about location of Industrial Estates / Units, availability of land in different Industrial Estates, individual unit activity and present status and support for decision making process.
The Minister said that all the small industrial estates under Directorate of Industries & Commerce have been transferred to SICOP. He said Rs 40 crore DPR has been formulated for establishment of Common Facility Centre for Leather Cluster at Industrial Estate Lassipora. He said the DPR has been submitted to the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Government of India for sanction.
He said 4 Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) are being constructed under various schemes in Industrial Estates at Ghatti, Rangreth, Khunmoh and Lassipora. 2 more proposals for CETPs at Bari Brahmana and Samba are under submission, he said.
The Minister said that the scheme for setting up Startup Hub, incubators and Scheme for Assistance to Startups in J&K has been approved by the Government aiming at encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting innovation among talented youth. Under the scheme Rs 50 lacs assistance is available to incubators for capital expenditure against investment. The innovator shall be provided Rs 10000 per month for one year as assistance allowance, he said.
He said a Technology Centre is being set up at Samba at a cost of Rs 100 crore to extend technological and design support to micro, small and medium enterprises besides providing industrial know-how and skill development of the youth for better employment avenues in the Industries sector.
He said to promote Ease of Doing Business, the Government has successfully implemented around 270 business reforms out of 372 point Business Reform Action Plan-2017 (BRAP) issued by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Government of India. With the result, JKs ranking improved from 31st position in 2016 to 22nd position in December 2017, he said and added that a New Industrial Policy was issued in 2016 to facilitate industrial growth in the State.
He said the Department has started online services for Provisional Registration of Industrial Units, Permanent Registration of Industrial Units and issuance of land and allotment certificates for Industrial Estates. 479 industrial units were registered during 2017-18 upto 31.12.2017 involving an investment of Rs 345 crore creating employment opportunities for 4968 persons, he said and added that the Apex Project Clearance Committee (APCC) of the Department cleared proposals worth Rs 3119 crore for setting up of 21 medium & large scale units in the State during the past 2 years.
Regarding incentives being provided to the industry, the Minister said that the industry has been provided Rs 272.77 crores central incentives from 2004. Out of this, Rs 127.19 crore has been sanctioned during 2016-18, he said and added that Rs 130.21 crore have been provided to the entrepreneurs under the state incentives which include Rs 21.22 crore during the past 2 years.
Regarding post-GST scenario, the Minister said that Central Scheme for Budgetary Support has been notified. He said the State Government has also announced balance payment of 42% under Budgetary Support Scheme. Additionally 100% SGST refund has been agreed to. The State Cabinet has also approved for compensating, with suitable mechanism, 2% CST available to industry in pre-GST regime, he said.
The Minister said that various closed / sick units of Jammu Kashmir Industries Ltd are being revived. He said Silk Filature and Silk Factory are being established in Bari Brahmana, Jammu with a cost of about Rs 23.50 crore to utilize large cocoon production in Jammu region which otherwise is sold to entrepreneurs from outside the State.
He said the upgradation of various JKI units has been taken up under different funding schemes. This includes revival of Government Silk Factory, Rajbagh, Srinagar at a cost of Rs 23.54 crores under World Bank assistance, revival of Govt Woollen Mills Bemina at a cost of Rs 11.74 crore under World Bank assistance, Government Silk Filatures, Bari Brahmana, Jammu at a cost of Rs 6.64 crores under TAMIER, Government Silk Filatures, Solina, Srinagar at a cost of Rs 5.66 crore under TAMIER, Government Silk Factory, Bari Brahmana, Jammuat a cost of Rs 16.84 crore under state funding, Government Joinery Mills, Bari Brahmana at a cost of Rs 8.50 crore and Government Woollen Spinning Plant Solina, Srinagar.
The Minister said that the Government Joinery Mill Pampore has been renovated / upgraded at a cost of Rs 8.50 crore. In the recent Budget the Finance Minister has also announced a Woollen Spinning Mill at Nowshera with a total cost of Rs 5 crore, he said and added that handicrafts of J&K is known globally for their finesse and elegance with more than 4 lakh artisans associated with around 20 practising crafts.
He said there are 553 training centres of Handicraft Department, 363 of which provide elementary training and 190 advanced training. The department has so far trained about 3 lakh artisans in various crafts through these 553 training centres. In 2016-2017, a total of 7922 trainees were trained in these canters. In case of Handloom Department 1054 trainees were trained in 2016-2017 in 109 training centres in the State, he said.
He said proposals worth Rs 48.05 crore of Pashmina Promotion Programme under PMDP have been submitted to Central Wool Development Board for sanction and release of funds. The project, he said, envisages holistic development of the Pashmina Craft with specific interventions at all the stages of pre production, production and post production.
He said the upgradation of Export Oriented Handloom Development Project of Handloom Development Corporation at Samba was taken up in hand. The Civil works have been completed and procurement and the installation of the upgraded machinery is in progress. This would benefit about 500-600 Weavers in and around Samba town and will generate a business of Rs 2 crore per annum for the corporation from 2018-19.
He said 44238 beneficiaries benefitted under Artisan Credit Card Scheme, which is aimed at helping the artisans of various handicraft products to become self reliant independent earning hands. He said the Government has provided Rs 93.36 crore till date as 10% interest subvention for the cases sanctioned under the Scheme.
He said the scheme for Rehabilitation of Fur Artisans has been formulated and is under implementation. The Margin Money and 5% equity of Rs 20.88 crore is being provided by the Government, he said.
He said for J&K Handicraft (S&E) Corporation, the State Government has provided funds in Capex Budget and Grant-in-Aid of Rs 6.19 crore for direct purchase of trading goods. In the current years Budget also, the Finance Minister has announced to provide Rs 5 crore each to J&K Handicraft (S&E) Corporation and J&K Handloom Corporation. This will strengthen the direct purchase mechanism adopted by the Corporation from the current financial year, he said and added that the Handicraft Corporation has during past 3 years renovated its branches located at Lal Chowk, Main Branch, Srinagar and Pulwama. Besides, the repair work / renovation of Staff quarters at Lucknow was also done, he said and added that the Handicrafts Corporation is renovating its main Mumbai Showroom at an estimated cost of Rs 174.98 lacs.
He said the Urban Haat, Jammu is being upgraded with the financial assistance of Rs 26 lacs from Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)
He said to provide market, export exposure exhibition places and Business to Business interaction for Handloom and Handicraft Sector Stakeholder, Jammu and Kashmir Trade Promotion Organization (JKTPO) as a Joint Venture Company between the State Government, India trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) and Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) has been approved. The ban on funding of J&K Handicraft (S&E) Corporation for foreign exhibitions has been lifted by Government of India after strenuous efforts. After many years, the J&K Handicrafts (S&E) Corporation shall be participating in Handicraft Exhibition at Birmingham early next month, he said and added that the Government is very soon introducing an e-Commerce platform to link 20000 artisans and weavers of the State. The target is to increase the exports of Handicrafts and Handloom Products from the current level by Rs 1000 crore annually besides serving the prime objective of minimizing the exploitation of the multiple steps of middleman ship. A renowned Company has been shortlisted as per World Bank norms and has been submitted to the World Bank for financial approval.
He said the handicraft exports from Kashmir have gone upto Rs 1151.12 crore in financial year 2016-17 which is 8.6 percent hike as compared to the previous year. He said all outstanding bank loans of J&K Handloom Corporation and Handicrafts Corporation have been cleared by the Industries & Commerce Department.
He said 8 Block Level clusters of Handloom, under the revised guidelines of Government of India are under implementation including Lohai Malhar (Kathua), Tengpora (Srinagar), Batroo Ukaral (Ramban), Anchar (Srinagar), Safakadal (Srinagar), Elahibagh (Srinagar), Moungri (Udhampur) and Mahanpur (Kathua).
Regarding KVIB, the Minister said that 46185 units have been established with the assistance of J&K KVIB which contribute Rs 1823 crore to the Industrial Gross Domestic product of the State and provide employment opportunities to 186964 artisans/workers.
He said 3 clusters under SFURTI have been sanctioned by Ministry of MSME, GoI including Martand Chain Stitching and Crewl Embroidery Cluster, Anantnag, Sukhnag Embroidery Cluster, Budgam and Kaushur Maunch- Beekeeping Development cluster- Srinagar. 8 more clusters have been submitted to Government of India for approval including clusters for Bee Keeping in Bandipora, Samba, Bhaderwah, Ramban, Pattan Embrodery Cluster, Vetista Woolen Hosiery Cluster, Pampore Pashmina and Skill Upgradation Training Cluster, Kathua and manufacturing of essential oils etc, Jammu, he said and added that projects at a cost of Rs 1192.39 Lacs submitted to the Ministry of MSME, GoI for sanction under the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) which is expected to be sanctioned shortly.
He said the Prime Ministers Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) has helped in the creation of job opportunities in Urban as well as Rural areas and in providing continuous, sustainable and increased wage earnings for the unemployed and under employed youth. The target of 1650 number of units with margin money of Rs 32.72 crore generating employment to 13200 persons, has been revised to 4125 number of units with margin money of Rs. 81.82 crore generating employment to 33000 persons during the current year 2017-18, he said adding that this is almost three times increase in the targets and the margin money available to the State under PMEGP.
The Minister said that a full-fledged EDI Campus is being constructed at Bari Brahmana, Jammu with a total cost of Rs 8289.12 lacs. He said the Institute has started first of its kind six months diploma course in Entrepreneurship Development for the youth of State who want to pursue entrepreneurship as their career.
He said JK Minerals Ltd started exploitation of Parlanka Gypsum Mines through outsourcing arrangement at Savlakot Hydro Electric Dam site for the first time. The current income of Rs 12.76 crore is expected to go up by this new Mining activity. He said new J&K Minor Mineral Rules have also been notified which would facilitate establishment of District Mineral Development Fund in due course of time. In the current financial year the Corporation has already generated Rs. 15.52 crore from mining activities.
He said the business and the revenue earnings of the JKML have expanded considerably and a profit of Rs 2.15 Crore has been registered during 2016-17 which has helped the PSU to release 10% COLA for its employees after 18 years.
He said the Jammu and Kashmir District Mineral Foundation Trust established. Out of the total amount of royalty realized from the holders of Minor mineral Concessions, 10% shall be deposited/paid towards the trust for development of mine affected areas and creation of Mining related infrastructure.
He said a satellite surveillance system is being put in place at Mining sites besides establishment of Mineral Check Posts with CCTV Surveillance facilities to make the surveillance system vibrant and more effective.
Regarding JK Cements, the Minister said that cement production from Jammu & Kashmir Cements Ltd (JKCL) units during the current financial year is expected to be 1,75,000 MTS as compared to 1,10,020 MTS during the previous FY which will generate the revenue earnings of Rs 140 Crore which would be highest ever as compared to Rs 87 Crore during the previous year. He said the liability of JKCL has been reduced from Rs 120 crores ending 2016 to Rs 82 crores.
Earlier several members including Vikar Rasool Wani, Mubarak Gul, Rajeev Jasrotia, M Y Tarigami, Shah Mohammad Tantray, Aijaz Ahmad Khan, Bashir Ahmad Dar, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Rajesh Gupta, Syed Farooq Andrabi, Pawan Kumar Gupta, Abdul Rahim Rather, Mohammad Amin Bhat, Raja Manzoor Ahmad, Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar, GM Saroori, RS Pathania, Asgar Ali Karbali and Mohammad Akbar Lone participated in the discussion and put forth their suggestions for further improving the functioning of the Department.
The House later passed the grants amounting to Rs 56355.24 lakhs for the Industries and Commerce Department.
· New Industrial Policy issued in 2016
· Major thrust on Ease of Doing Business and creation of Industrial Infrastructure
· Successfully implemented around 270 business reforms out of 372 point Business Plan -2017 issued by GoI
· Under Business Reforms, States ranking improved from 31st in 2016 to 22nd in December 2017
· All services of the department made online
· 1361 kanals of land at various locations under different stages of transfer/acquisition process to serve as land bank for industrial growth
· After decades, massive up-gradation of industrial infrastructure taken up at a cost of Rs 138 crore
· Rural Industrial Estates being set up, Rs 10 crore announced for purpose in this year budget
· 479 Industrial Units registered during current year upto Dec, 2017 involving investment of Rs 345 crore, creating employment opportunities for 4968 persons
· Apex Project Clearance Committee cleared proposals worth Rs 3119 crore for setting up of 21 medium & large scale units in the state in last 2 years
· Rs 130.21 crore provided to entrepreneurs under State incentives, including Rs 21.22 crore in last 2 years
· Post GST, Central Scheme for Budgetary Support notified
· All Small Scale Industrial Estates transferred to SICOP
· Rs 40 crore DPR for establishment of Common Facilty Centre for Leather Cluster at IE Lassipora submitted to Goi for sanction
· 4 Common Effluent Treatment Plants being constructed in Industrial Estate Ghatti, Rangreth, Khunmoh and Lassipora
· Scheme for setting up of Startup Hub, incubators and Scheme for Assistance to Startups in JK approved by GoI
· Geographical Information System (GIS) and Management Information System designed
· Technology Centre set up at Samba at a cost of Rs 100 crore
· Various closed/sick units of JK industries Limited revived
· Silk Filature and Silk Factory being established in Bari Brahmana with a cost of Rs 23.50 crore
· Various projects of JKI involving cost of Rs 78.48 crore under execution
· 4 lakh artisans associated with around 20 practicing craft
· 553 training centres of Handicraft department providing training in various crafts
· Rs 48.05 project proposal of Pashmina Promotion Programme under PMDP submitted to Centre Wool Development Board for sanction of funds
· Up-gradation of Export Oriented Handloom Development Project at Samba taken in hand
· 44238 persons benefited under Artisan Credit Card Scheme, Rs 93.36 crore provided till date as 10 % interest subvention
· Scheme for Rehabilitation of Fur Artisans formulated
· State Govt provided funds and Grant-in-Aid of Rs 6.19 crore to JK Handicraft (S&E) Corporation during last 2 years for direct purchase of trading goods
· Rs 5 crore each to JK Handicraft Corporation and JK handloom Corporation announced in Budget 2018-19 proposals
· Mumbai showroom of Handicrafts Corporation being renovated at a cost of Rs 174.98 lakh
· Jammu Kashmir Trade Promotion Organization (JKTPO) approved to provide market for Handloom, Handicraft sector stakeholders
· e-Commerce platform to link 20000 artisans and weavers to be soon introduced
· Handloom sector provides direct and indirect employment to more than 50000 weavers in JK
· 8 Block Level Clusters of Handloom under implementation
· 46185 units established with assistance of KVIB contributing Rs 1823 crore to state GDP and employment to 186964 artisnas/workers
· 3 clusters under SFURTI sanctioned by Ministry of MSME, GoI
· Proposal for 8 more clusters submitted to GoI for approval
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