SrinagarThe family of a 20-year-old mentally unsound youth from north Kashmirs Kupwara district on Friday announced Rs 5000 reward on information about him.
The family of the youth, Javed Iqbal Kumar son of Abdul Rashid Kumar of Muqam-i-shahwai Tehsil Drugmulla District Kupwara said that he went missing from home on September 14.
The youth is mentally as well as physically unsound. If anyone finds him or have any information may inform us on phone number 9906792845, Abdul Rashid Kumar said.
He said that while Javed had gone missing earlier also but he returned home in couple of day then.
We have apprehensions about his wellbeing and anybody who has seen him may kindly inform us, he said.
Kumar said that anyone who gives information about the youth will be rewarded with Rs 5000 cash.