SrinagarThe Jammu and Kashmir High Court on Tuesday sought details about pendency and disposal of civil and criminal cases pending for over ten years in sub-ordinate courts in the state.
In a communication to all Principal District and Session Judges, Registrar General asked them to provide by Thursday details of pendency of their courts as well as those subordinate to them for a period of January 1 to August 31 this year.
In May this year, the High Court ordered listing on priority basis all the civil and criminal cases in which it has either stayed proceedings before the trial court or summoned record from the subordinate courts.
As per an order, registrar judicial of the both wings of the high court at Jammu and Srinagar respectively were asked to identify all those cases, civil or criminal, pending before the High Court in which either interim orders for stay of proceedings before the trial court have been passed or record of the trial court has been summoned.
Thereafter, they were directed to list all such cases on priority basis before the Bench holding the roster.
Last year, according to the data released by the high court, there were over 2 lakh cases pending in the high court and subordinate courts in the state till June. 58552 cases were pending in the states highest court and of them 53534 were civil while 5018 are of criminal nature. Of the overall cases, 22679(civil) and 859 (criminal) were pending for more than five years.
Similarly, the report states that there 141910 cases(48080 civil) and 93830 (criminal)were pending in the subordinate courts. Of them, 3512 (civil) and 4911 (criminal) cases were pending for more than half a decade.
The data compiled in different categories provide an insight to the work load of the Courts at different levels and the work accomplished by the Courts. The data also provides platform for assessing infrastructure requirements for smooth running of the court business.