JammuDeputy Chief Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh, in presence of Speaker Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Kavinder Gupta Saturday paid tributes to Maharaja Hari Singh on his 123rd birthday at a function here.
Minister of State for Tourism Priya Sethi, Vice Chairman, State Advisory Board for Development of Kissans Daljit Singh Chib, Chairperson, State Social Welfare Board (JKSSWB), Nirmal Gupta, Legislators, Devender Singh Rana, Ajatshatru Singh, Charanjit Singh Khalsa, Vikram Randhawa and Rajesh Guptaand representatives of various political, social and religious organizations also paid homage to Late Maharaja Hari Singh.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Nirmal Singh lauded the contribution of Maharaja Hari Singh towards welfare and development of J&K State. He said the Maharaja carried out development policies and reforms for amelioration of deprived segments of the society and It was because of his statesmanship that today we are part of a great nation, he added.
Highlighting the works performed and schemes implemented by Maharaja Hari Singh during his regime, the Speaker said that his contribution in socio-political and socio-economic reforms in the State for bringing the Jammu and Kashmir at par with other progressive states is highly laudable. He also lauded Maharaja for doing away with many social evils for the welfare of the public.
Speaking on the occasion, Priya Sethi remembered the selfless services rendered by Maharaja Hari Singh for betterment of the State. She said that Maharaja was a social reformer, a true patriot and a great visionary who worked for women education, banning of child marriage, abolishing of un-touchability, free education for all, promotion of widows marriage besides uplift of weaker sections of the society.