Srinagar Delhi Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Sumit Dass on Wednesday issued summons to Special Secretary in Roads and Buildings Department, Asif Hameed Khan in the case of sexually harassing a junior KAS officer when former was the Additional Resident Commissioner in New Delhi.
According to lawyer, Suhail Malik, the police had registered an F.I.R against Khan under Sections 354-A and 509 of the Indian Penal Code on directions of the Delhi High Court two years back.
The case was registered against Khan on the complaint of one junior lady KAS officer Shruti Bhardwaj for forcing her to develop physical relations with him.
The Court order comes after the Delhi Police had sought closure of the case citing lack of evidence for prosecuting Khan, lawyer of the complainant Suhail Malik said.
The female officer had filed a protest petition through her lawyer Suhail Malik seeking dismissal of the closure report.
Lawyer Suhail Khan, for the complainant pointed out that the Investigation Officer of the case had deliberately tried to eclipse statements of various important witnesses who had testified against Khan, the court order said.
Chief Metropolitan Magistrate while scolding IO for giving wrong opinion, said that there is ample material on record to prove that the junior lady officer was harassed by the accused and therefore summoned Khan through the Resident Commissioner of J&K at Delhi asking him to appear before the court on 16th November to face trial, the lawyer said.