The demand for regularisation by NRHM employees is justified and genuine. If the Rehbar-i-Zerat employees were regularised, why is the government’s approach towards the NRHM employees so step motherly? I agree that NRHM employees fall under the jurisdiction of the Central Government but if our Government was genuinely concerned about their welfare, they should have absorbed all the NRHM employees in various Family Welfare Schemes.
Our state has thousands of posts lying vacant. Yet, the Government instead of employing people against these vacant posts is only working to increase the hardships of the general public. NRHM is the backbone of healthcare. The main motive of NRHM is to develop healthcare in India (something our state is in dire need of). NRHM employees are working in rural areas as well as in urban areas. They work 24 hours a day and have contributed significantly to the healthcare sector of our country. India is Polio free only because of the tireless work of various NRHM employees. The Government really needs to ponder over this issue and come up with a viable solution.