SRINAGAR:In an unusual development, the Border Security Force (BSF), which was taken off counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir in 2004, was Monday deployed in the summer capital here after a gap of 12 years, replacing the paramilitary CRPF.
BSF personnel were deployed in the commercial hub of Lal Chowk in the city and adjoining areas for law and order duties, a police official said.
Officials from the civil administration, BSF and police top brass refused to comment on the deployment of the force in the city.
This is for the first time since 2004 that BSF has been called for active duty in the city.
BSF, which conducted anti-militancy operations in Kashmir for nearly 13 years from 1991, was replaced in the city by CRPF in 2004.
The BSF troops were then moved to their primary duty of guarding the Line of Control and the international border.