NEW DELHI (Sputnik) Allahabad Court has served notice to Google for listing Modi among the top ten criminals in the world list in a search result. The court has issued a notice to Google CEO Sunder Pichai and India Head Rajan Anandan and also ordered the registration of a criminal complaint case against Google and its top officials.
The Allahabad accusation came due to a petition filed by advocate Sushil Kumar Mishra, who claimed that despite him writing using Google, the search engine giant refused to correct the mistake. The mistake was first noticed in 2015.
Google at that time, in its defense, had said that these results were due to its search algorithm.
“These results don’t reflect Google’s opinion or our beliefs; our algorithms automatically match the query to web pages with these images.”
Earlier, the search engine Google had also listed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as one of the Most Stupid Prime Ministers in the World’.
The list Most Stupid Prime Ministers in the World’ list also includes the names of former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, former British Prime Minister David Cameron, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.