SRINAGAR: A day after a local court here ordered Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Srinagar to get case registered against a Deputy Superintended of Police for cold blooded murder of a youth on July 10, the accused police official on Wednesday allegedly took to social media pleading that police was being victimized.
The official this morning took to Facebook to post a message titled: If nobody needs us disband this institution.
The doctors refuse to treat us. The society has branded us as traitors. Judiciary humiliates us at every step.
Media enjoys our kebas and when digested shits on us, he said in his multiline post.
And ppl who use abuses at us on the name of Islam when we hear Azan in the back ground have become judges
Sometimes it feels like we are prostitutes used by politicians, he added.
The accused official, however, said there was still some hope. But still feel proud when an elderly lady whom we might have helped some day comes to u and says fikir ma bar, dastgheer chu che seith, he said.
The post was instantly shared by many prominent faces in Kashmir, who came out in his support, to plead his innocence and other good work.
On July 19, theChief Judicial Magistrate Srinagar Masarat Shaheen while seeking registration of FIR against the accused directed the SSP Srinagar to get the case investigated by some senior police officer who should not be below the rank of DSP.
The court passed the orders on an application filed by Shabirs father, Abdul Rehman Mir, seeking direction to the Station House Officer (SHO) Batamaloo to file FIR against the DySP under 302 of the RPC.
Mir said he was forced to knock on courts door after the concerned SHO refused his plea to register FIR against the accused.
Mir said that on July 10, at about 6:35p.m., he along with family members was watching TV when a police party headed by the DySP barged into his house and started smashing window panes and doors.
(My) wife tried to stop the police official but (he) got infuriated and physically assaulted (her) and hurled invectives, he said.
Seeing all this, Mir said, his sonShabir Ahmadcould not bear it and tried to save her mother from the clutches of the official and other police personnel.
On this the police official went into rage and started beating (my) son and thereafter opened two fires into his body. My son died on the spot, he said.
Mir charged the DySP of taking law into his hands and exceeded his powers to kill to his son in a cold blooded murder.
Hence in light of the application and sworn-in in affidavit, the SSP is directed to file FIR against the concerned official and investigate the matter, the court observed and also directed the SSP to get the case investigated by some senior official not below the rank of DySP.
Despite repeated attempts, the accused DSP could not be contacted for comments.