Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti, Friday inaugurated three blocks comprising 48 one BHK Estates flats, which have been constructed by the R&B Department for accommodation of State government employees.
She also laid the foundation stone for further nine blocks under Phase II of the project in which 144 flats will be constructed.
After formal inauguration, Mehbooba Mufti went around the premises and inspected one BHK flats in the block which has been exclusively reserved for women employees.
While complimenting the R&B Department for concept and design, she asked Director Estates to reserve more blocks for women as and when these are added to the residential colony.
The Chief Minister was informed that provision for development of lawns, parks and shopping centres has been kept while conceiving the project so that the colony presents an aesthetic look.
In order to facilitate accommodation to lower-rung employees, the construction of one BHK flats has been prioritized in the first and second phases of the project.
The colony is being constructed as part of Rs.90.65 crore project which envisages construction of 400 estates quarters comprising 80 three BHK, 128 two BHK and 192 one BHK flats.