JAMMU: Chief Secretary, B R Sharma Friday reviewed the implementation status of the e-District and State e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG) project in a meeting, he chaired here.
Principal Secretary, Forests, R K Gupta, Commissioner Secretary, PDD, Dheeraj Gupta, Commissioner Secretary, I & C, Shailendra Kumar, Commissioner Secretary, Social Welfare, Ms Sarita Chauhan, Commissioner Secretary, Revenue, Mohammad Afzal Bhat, Secretary IT, Hilal Ahmad Parray and other officers were present in the meeting.
e-District is one of the 31 Mission Mode Projects (MMP) under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) aimed at electronic delivery of citizen centric services at district and sub- district level.
For the purpose, e-infrastructure in the shape of State Data Centre (SDC), SSDG and Common Service Centers (CSCs) will be leveraged and utilized for delivering public services electronically to the citizens at their door step.
Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India (GoI) is the nodal Department for the project.
Twenty Five (25) citizen centric services spread across many departments including Revenue and CA&PD have already been identified under the e-district project for roll out at the district and sub district level once the necessary e- infrastructure is in place.
Chief Secretary asked the IT department to bring 35 more public services under the ambit of e-district project and ensure that the project is rolled out in the districts at the earliest. He instructed IT department to submit to the Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India (GoI) list of 35 more services J&K intends to get implemented in the e-District project.
Chief Secretary also reviewed the progress of SSDG project.