Srinagar: Scores of Contractors Tuesday tried to lock down the head office of Jammu Kashmir Cable Car Corporation located at Rambagh Srinagar. The protesting contractors were asking Managing Director JKCCC to clear their liabilities for the works executed by them from past one year.
“There is a huge liability pegged at around Rs 10 crore while despite having sufficient funds the Corporation seems in no mood to clear the liabilities of the contractors. We worked really hard during chilly season to get the work done in Gulmarg, and still our payments are not released, president Downtown Contractors Association Masood Shah told CNS.
The Contractor appealed to Commissioner Secretary Tourism Farooq Ahmed Shah to look into the matter and use his good offices to clear the liabilities of the contractors.
The contractors amid anti-department slogans created a scene outside JKCCC head office. The officials present there pacified them with the assurance that they will raise the issue with Managing Director JKCCC.
When contacted Managing Director Jammu Kashmir Cable Car Corporation Mir Nazir said that he was not present in the office and will look into the matter. (CNS)