SRINAGAR: Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Ali Mohammad Sagar today directed the concerned officers to speed up the pace of work on the Craft and Interpretation Center being constructed as a part of prestigious Maqdoom Sahib Ropeway project, so that it is complete in all respects and formally inaugurated at the earliest.
The Minister was accompanied by Vice Chairman J&K Waqaf Board M. Y Qadri, Managing Director J&K Housing Board Rampaul, officers of Jammu and Kashmir State Cable Car Corporation and senior officers of concerned Departments.
Sagar impressed upon the officers to complete the leftover work on the craft center and other allied works, so that the project comes up as one of the major attractions for the people living in the old city Srinagar and also the tourists. He said that the ropeway would also be of a great help to the aged and infirm devotees coming to pay obeisance to the revered shrine of Hazrat Sultan-ul-Arifeen Maqdoom Sahib (RA).
The craft cum Interpretation Center is coming up with an estimated cost of Rs. 1.7 crore and would be showcasing the traditional handicrafts of the State, besides other related things.
The Minister also visited the site for the proposed Degree College coming up at Shamswari, Namchabal in old city Srinagar at an estimated cost of Rs. 11.4 crore and directed the concerned officers to carry out the necessary land acquisition which may be necessary. He also asked the JKPCC to construct a community hall in the area, which would go a long way in providing the much needed facilities to the people for celebrating their social functions.
Sagar also inspected the two new blocks constructed in the Gandhi Memorial College.
While interacting with the people at different localities, the Minister said that the necessary instructions have already been given to the officers to ensure that the people do not face any inconvenience with regard to availability of power, drinking water and other essentials. He said several schemes have been undertaken for the sustained development of the old city Srinagar.